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Production Incentives Administration

Expert management of all aspects of the incentive application process.

Get the most from your incentive with EP's expert processing, analytical and reporting capabilities.

Precise Analytics. Meticulous Tracking. Global Reach.

Let EP’s team of incentive experts handle the entire incentive application process including follow-up, additional filings, and document submissions. We will work with the jurisdiction, lender, and investors, and furnish the required data and documentation to make sure you get the most from your incentive. We have the tools – the processing, analytical and reporting capabilities – to do it for you accurately and efficiently, around the globe.

Production workers in a conference room discussing production incentives

Work with experts for increased efficiency and cost savings in your incentive application process

  • Assistance with all communications with regulatory authorities.
  • Incentive value analysis and opinion letters provided.
  • Support with follow up, additional filings and document submissions.

car on film set camera convertible

Maximize production incentives and ensure continued qualification.

  • Monitor cost ledgers and other elements throughout production to safeguard continued qualification and to maximize incentives.
Maple Leaf

Access full suite of administrative services for Canadian productions.

  • Work with experts in Canada, who handle every aspect of administering and filing for Canadian tax incentives, from corporate setup to income tax return filing.

Your resource for expert production incentives administration.

Take advantage of all the work to maximize your incentive, without any of the hassle.

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