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Diversity Management

Make smarter decisions and stay compliant.

EP's Diversity Management solution makes it simple to comply with
⁠SB 1162.

The information you need to easily satisfy diversity pay data filing requirements.

EP’s Diversity Management is the only solution that will provide studios with the broad range of demographic and pay information necessary to comply with SB 1162.  With comprehensive data in an easy to access dashboard exported in the format required by the state, compliance with SB 1162 is simple and straightforward. 

Ethnicity Pie Chart

Quick and easy access to reports on gender, ethnicity and race pay data across one or multiple projects.

Use diversity and inclusion insights to inform operational decisions.

  • Support leadership decision making and help create impactful internal programming and opportunities to expand diversity and inclusion.
  • Compare diversity both above and below the line to ensure diversity goals are met for both more visible and behind-the-scenes roles.
  • Provide information about historical trends and enable forecasting to help make smarter operational decisions.
  • Gain instant visibility into gender, race and ethnicity to reveal internal opportunities and challenges and forecast future diversity performance.
security padlock on a shield

The highest degree of data security in the industry.

  • EP’s military-level security program includes advanced product and internal protections. Military-grade security with end-to-end encryption ensures the supporting data used is secure and protected both in transit and at rest.

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