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A legacy of partnership. Since 1976.

Behind the camera and behind the scenes. On set. On location. In post. Entertainment Partners has the production tools and services to help the industry tell its stories.

From industry pioneer to industry leader.

Entertainment Partners helped shape the entertainment industry by revolutionizing production accounting with its flagship SmartAccounting solution, acquiring the iconic Central Casting, the leading background actor database, building integrated digital solutions, and much more. With 40 years of experience, EP is the industry leader in Production Finance and Production Management, delivering integrated, cloud-based digital solutions supporting every phase of production. Since our founding, we’ve supported tens of thousands of productions—from Hollywood blockbusters to indie breakthroughs—and continue to provide the innovative solutions powering the industry’s most creative works.

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crew discusses film production on set in front of monitor

From script to screen and beyond.

  • With the industry’s most extensive, experienced in-house team of production incentives, finance, and tax experts, we’re able to deliver rich insight on global tax incentives, workers' compensation, healthcare, labor issues, regulatory compliance, and more.
  • EP’s industry-leading solutions include the global standard Movie Magic Budgeting and Movie Magic Scheduling, Emmy-award winning SyncOnSet, and the UK’s leading production industry workforce and production management solution, We Got POP.

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Partnering with and helping productions succeed has always been and will always be our mission. Want to join us? View open jobs.


"Know what they're doing, not just payroll but residuals, stunt player insurance, guilds, and prices are competitive. Nice people too."

Graham J.
Production Executive

"Nothing has ever been wrong. Other payroll services are such a pain. I think the ONE time I needed to call EP, everything was taken care of immediately. Best in the biz right here!"

Brittney B.

Payroll & Finances

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