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How do I perform a cheque alignment or printer alignment in EP Live?

A cheque alignment must be done to ensure the cheque will print properly before payroll cheques can be printed out of EP Live. Alignments must be done with the guidance of a Canadian support representative.

Before you begin, ensure that you have blank paper, a ruler, and your cheque printer ready.

To contact a representative to perform an alignment:

Tip: A new alignment will be required if you change your EP Live designated cheque printer. No alignments are required when changing you cheque copy printer.

What reports are available in EP Live?

There are two categories of EP Live reports:

Payroll Reports
These are reports that are automatically generated and sent after payroll has been processed. These reports can found under the Reports tab and can be re-sent upon request.

  • ⁠Invoice
  • Alpha Journal
  • Cheque Register

Request Reports
Reports available to be generated upon request can be found under the Request tab. The requested reports will be delivered to the Receive tab when ready.

  • Taxable Earnings Report
  • Taxable Earnings Report – By Invoice Date
  • Net Fee Report
  • Proration Report
  • T2220 Show ROP Report
  • Union Totals Report
  • Show Employee Roster
  • AFTRA Remittance Letter
  • AFTRA Final Cast List
  • SAG Remittance Letter
  • SAG Final Cast List
  • DGA Employer ROP Report
  • DGA Employer Quarterly Report
  • Earnings/Deduction/Fringe Report
  • Earnings/Deduction/Fringe Report – By Invoice Date
  • Sick Day Report

Tip: You may need to click the Refresh button on the mail tool bar to see your latest reports.

How do I print cheques and cheque copies?
  1. Sign in to EP Live.
  2. Select the Cheques tab.
  3. A Cheque or Printer Alignment must be done at this stage to ensure the cheque margins print properly. If the alignment was previously completed, proceed to next step.
  4. A list of invoices that are available for printing will be visible.
  5. From the Print All Cheques or Print All Copies columns, click the check box next to the invoice(s) you wish to print.
  6. Click Print to print your selection, or you may further narrow your selection by selecting the Reprint by Range option.

Tip: Your cheques and your copies must be printed separately and can be assigned to be printed on separate printers. Printer selection is at the bottom of the Cheques tab and can be updated at any time. Keep in mind, if you do update your Cheque Printer, a new Cheque or Printer Alignment will be required before being able to print.

How do I complete Notice of Collection (NOC) payments?

Reference our NOC EP Live Instructions PDF for the full instructions.

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