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UK Casting Community - FAQs


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About Entertainment Partners

Who is Entertainment Partners?

Entertainment Partners is the global leader in entertainment payroll and production finance and production management solutions. Our technology has supported tens of thousands of productions – from Hollywood blockbusters to indie breakthroughs.

What is the Entertainment Partners Casting Portal?

The Entertainment Partners Casting Portal is the industry-leading solution for finding, booking, managing and paying supporting artists on feature film and TV productions. By signing up, your profile will be visible to the different casting companies who use the platform to cast supporting artists in productions.

Applying to be an artist with us

How do I apply to become a supporting artist with Entertainment Partners?

If you are reliable and flexible with your time, sign up to our Casting Community
by creating an online profile on the Casting Portal. After you have completed the initial application form, head to your profile to fill out the remaining fields, then email ukartistsupport@ep.com with your profile ID to confirm that your profile is complete. Once we’ve reviewed your profile, we’ll email you to confirm that it has been approved or request further information if needed.

How do I know if my application has been approved?

Once you’ve completed all required fields on your profile, please let us know at ukartistsupport@ep.com so that we can review and approve your profile. Once we’ve reviewed your profile, we’ll email you to confirm your status as a registered artist or we may ask you to provide more information (as agents and agencies need a certain level of detail to be able to cast you).

If you haven’t heard from us within 14 business days, please send us another email and one of the team will take a look at your profile as soon as possible.

Can I apply for a specific project?

If you have heard about a specific role or project that interests you and you have yet to create a profile with us, please sign up to our Casting Community and refer to the How did you hear about us section of the application. In some cases, there will be specific references you can select to indicate the role you are applying for (e.g., Reference: MILITARY). From the moment you sign up, you will automatically join our Casting Community and your profile will be accessible to all the agents and agencies casting via the Casting Portal. Please ensure that your profile contains as much information as possible to maximise potential job offers.

Can I apply to be a supporting artist with Entertainment Partners if I don’t live in the UK?

Currently, we are only able to accept artist applications from individuals who have a permanent base within the UK and the relevant right to work documentation. Being booked on a production as a supporting artist often involves early call times and flexible availability – therefore, agents and agencies will usually book artists who live near to where a project is filming.

Your Entertainment Partners profile

How do I log in to the Casting Portal?​

Log in to the Casting Portal at login.epcastingportal.com.

I can no longer access my emails. How can I access my account? 

If you can no longer access the email account associated with your profile, please email ukartistsupport@ep.com to change your email. To keep your account safe, we’ll need to ask you a number of security questions.

My look has changed. How do I update my photos?

We recommend that you update your photos every three to six months but especially if your look has changed (e.g., you’ve changed your hairstyle or facial hair or gotten a new piercing or tattoo).

Your Main and Face photos will be locked once your profile has been approved. If you’d like to update them, go to the Photographs tab on your profile and select Edit photos.

Be sure to follow our photo guidelines to maintain the quality of your profile and improve your chances of being booked for exciting projects. 

MAIN PHOTO: This should be a full body or three-quarter length colour photo of you in a neutral pose, in neutral clothing, against a neutral block colour background. This does not need to be of professional quality, but it should not be a selfie. Do not wear hats, sunglasses or other obstructive accessories, include props or use filters. 

FACE PHOTO: This should be a forward-facing colour photo of you taken from the shoulders up against a neutral background. It doesn’t need to be of professional quality. You should have a neutral expression and minimal makeup and avoid wearing hats, sunglasses or other obstructive accessories or using filters.

Read our Guide to Becoming a Supporting Artist for more information on how to best build out your profile.

My measurements have changed. Can I add new ones?

You can update all your measurements at any time under the Appearance tab on your profile. Please refer to our measurements guide for instructions on how to accurately take your measurements. 

I’m having trouble uploading photos to my profile, what should I do?

First, check the file type, as the Casting Portal only supports .jpg and .png uploads. Then, check that you haven’t exceeded the number of uploads permitted per profile. If you’re still having trouble uploading photos, please email the photos to ukartistsupport@ep.com, quoting your profile ID, so that we can review and upload them for you.

How do I upload a copy of my DBS certificate?

Please upload your DBS certificate to the relevant field in the ID Documents tab of your profile and email ukartistsupport@ep.com to confirm so that we can review and approve it. If you are on the update service, please confirm your full name and DBS certificate number so we can perform a digital check. You can also provide a screenshot of any online checks you have performed yourself. 

If your DBS upload field is locked, this means that it has been reviewed by one of the team and is still within 18 months of its issue date, which is considered a standard period of validity in the film and TV industry. After this period, your DBS upload field will unlock and you will receive an automatic email requesting that a new certificate be uploaded. If you would prefer to provide a new certificate before your current copy expires, please email your new certificate to ukartistsupport@ep.com, quoting your profile ID.

I have a new passport or visa. How do I update it on my profile?

You may find when trying to upload a new passport or visa in the ID documents tab of your profile that your current documents are locked. This is because they have been approved and remain valid proof of your right to work in the UK either indefinitely or until the relevant expiry period. If the fields are unlocked, it means your documents have yet to be approved – please ensure the copies are legible and email ukartistsupport@ep.com to confirm so that we can review your documents. 

If you would like us to replace your approved documents (e.g., because you have been issued a new visa or passport or you have changed your name), please email copies of the new documents to ukartistsupport@ep.com, quoting your profile ID, so that we can review them. 

Please note, if you have provided valid documents that demonstrate British citizenship, this will remain valid proof of your right to work in the UK indefinitely, even once expired!

How do I change my name on my profile?

If you would like to be addressed by a different name to your legal name on your ID, enter your preferred name in the Stage Name field in the Key Information tab of your profile. This must be approved by a team member, so please email ukartistsupport@ep.com to let us know you’ve updated this, quoting your profile ID.

If your legal name is different to the name that appears on the ID that we’ve verified, please send a clear scan of either your marriage certificate or deed poll to ukartistsupport@ep.com quoting your profile ID and explaining the required amendment.

Has the information on my profile saved?

The platform automatically saves the information you enter once it is selected or entered (there’s no save button). The border of the field will turn green if the information has been saved correctly. If there is any problem with the information you are entering, a notification will appear or the border of the field will turn red.

I’m having trouble logging in. How do I reset my password?

Please make sure you’re logging in via the correct login link for the UK Casting Portal, which is https://uk.epcastingportal.com/login. Please also make sure you are using the correct email address (this will be the email address you used to sign up). 

If you need to reset your password, select the Reset password option on the login page and follow the instructions which will be emailed to you.

If you need to access your account quickly, you can use the Send a login link option. This will send a secure link to your email address which will take you directly to your account. From there, go to Account Settings to reset your password.

If you have successfully changed your password but it is not being accepted, your browser has likely remembered and completed a historic password. Please clear your browser cookies or attempt to sign in from a different device or incognito tab. 

If you have tried all the above steps and are still having trouble, please email ukartistsupport@ep.com, quoting your full name, so we can assist you.

How do I unlock my profile?

You will have 10 attempts to log in to your profile before it is locked. If your profile has been locked due to incorrect login attempts, please email ukartistsupport@ep.com with the subject line LOCKED ACCOUNT so we can unlock your account.

Life on set

What does a fitting involve?

If you are booked for a fitting, it means that the costume and/or hair and makeup departments need to see you before the shoot day to fit you for a costume and prepare your look for the role you’ll play on shoot day.

How much you are paid for a fitting will depend on the type of shoot, and this will be outlined in the availability enquiry sent to you. For certain projects, like commercials, the fitting payment might be included in the fee for the shoot days.

Generally, you are paid to be at your fitting for up to four hours. Fittings often take less than four hours, but please be prepared to be there for the full time.

I am booked tomorrow, when will I get the shoot details?

Agents and agencies will try to get the shoot details (e.g., call time and exact location) as soon as possible but, due to the nature of filming, this may not be until the evening before the shoot. If you haven't heard anything by 5pm the day before the shoot, please contact the relevant agent or agency, quoting the name of the project and your character.

How long are shoot days?

Scheduled shoot days tend to be 12 hours, but an artist’s start time is often a number of hours before the shoot begins (to allow time for them to get dressed and ready), and some time is usually spent wrapping out at the end of the day (i.e., travelling back to the unit base, de-rigging and signing out). Shoot days can also run over. On this basis, it’s not unusual for artists to work 14-hour days and sometimes longer. The point at which overtime kicks in depends on the specific deal under which your production is operating. You should always be told how many hours the basic rate covers (i.e., when you will go into overtime) when you are offered the job. If the film is operating under the Pact/FAA agreement, the basic rate covers a 9-hour day, with overtime beginning after the 9th hour and calculated on a half-hour basis. See here for more information on overtime rates.

Should I bring a costume with me? 

You will be informed before the shoot if you need to provide your own clothing (this will be in the check-in email at the latest).

If you need to provide an outfit, please do your best to meet the brief that production has provided. 

If production is providing a costume for you to wear, it is normal for you to attend a fitting before the shoot. You will normally be paid a fee to attend the fitting. 

Be aware, some costumes are uncomfortable and you will probably be wearing one for the entire day. Please try not to complain about this; production will try to make you as comfortable as possible. Remaining positive in the face of discomfort is always appreciated by production!

It is a good idea to bring weather appropriate clothes as you won't always know if you’ll be shooting outside. If you are working on a night shoot or in winter, bring a warm coat and waterproof shoes to wear over your costume in between takes or on breaks.

What if I want to drive to set?

If there is parking available on a shoot, you will probably be asked if you are a driver or reliant on public transport in the availability request or check-in email. Be sure to follow the instructions in the check-in email carefully and arrive with plenty of time to park and make your way to set. 

Please note that parking may be unavailable or production may prefer you to use the transport provided. Be sure to read each check-in email carefully as all transport information will be provided there.

What should I do if something goes wrong on my way to the pick-up point or set? 

Emergency contacts for both the agent or agency and production should be provided in the check-in information. Only contact these numbers if totally necessary and pay attention to who is best to contact as per the check-in. Generally, you should contact the agent or agency with any issues in the days leading up to the shoot and production on the day of the shoot.

Something has happened and I can’t make it to set, what should I do?

Do your best to avoid any situation where this may occur but if it does and it’s the day of the shoot, notify the relevant agent or agency immediately so that you can be replaced if required. You must also inform the on-set emergency contact, whose contact details will be in your confirmation or check-in email.

What happens when I arrive on set? 

When you first arrive on set, someone will be there to tell you where to go. You’ll generally need to have your hair and makeup done, be dressed in a costume and eat breakfast (if it’s a day shoot) and will be directed to the various stations as appropriate. Please always follow the directions of the assistant director and other production crew.

You’ll likely be moved to a holding area before the shoot starts and in-between takes and scenes. Make sure you stay where you are meant to be and don’t wander off, as you may be required at short notice and production may not be willing to search for you.

Why has production taken my phone off me?

Some productions have tight security precautions to protect confidentiality and may require you to hand in your phone to prevent you taking photographs or recordings of the shoot. If this is the case, you’ll usually be notified before attending the shoot. 

A member of production will label your phone with your name and keep it in a secure place until you wrap. Please switch your phone off before handing it in. Even if you are permitted to keep your phone, you should not take any photographs on set. If you are seen taking photographs, you may be removed from the shoot.

Will there be somewhere secure to leave my bag and other things?

This is not guaranteed, but production should have somewhere secure for you to keep your things. If in doubt, ask. It is recommended that you don’t bring valuables with you on a shoot.

What is shooting a scene like? 

Big budget films do multiple takes of many different shots to fully capture a scene. This can be laborious, and you will probably be required to repeat your actions several times. Please do this as professionally as possible, remember your marks and stay positive. 

Positivity is always welcomed on set and production often feed back on artists’ performance and attitude to their agent. Keeping a positive attitude will help your chances of being booked for future work.

Will I be on camera?

It is likely that you will appear on camera and in the final cut of the film. However, this is not guaranteed, and it is not your main purpose for being there. You are a supporting artist; you are there to help create the atmosphere of the scene. Please do your best to follow the instructions and do your job well.

Can I talk to the actors? 

You should never approach the actors. The set is their workplace and a professional environment and should be respected as such. They have a lot going on in the scenes and often spend any time between takes preparing for the next scene. In some situations, supporting artists may be removed from set if they inappropriately approach actors. 

If you are approached by one of the actors, always be friendly and engaging, but keep it professional.

Can I talk to the other supporting artists?

Yes! We encourage you to engage with your fellow supporting artists. You may end up working with them again on other productions and are likely to meet all sorts of interesting people, so please mingle. This is also a way to learn from their experience if they have done this type of work before and improve your own skills as a supporting artist.

What should I do in between takes?

Stay switched on between takes. Just because you are not filming at a point in time doesn’t mean other takes aren’t happening. Stay quiet and listen to any instructions that are given to you. You may be required to return to the holding area or stay by the set ready to shoot again.  

You may be waiting around for some time, so bring something to keep yourself entertained, like a book. Due to confidentiality and security precautions, you are unlikely to be allowed to bring a phone, iPad or tablet on set, so a book is always a safer bet.

Will I get a meal on set? 

Meals may be provided on set. If this is not possible, you will often be given a meal allowance. This is usually a payment added to your chit, not cash. Because of this, you should be told in the check-in information if food is not being provided so that you can bring food with you or money to buy food. If your meal break is interrupted to shoot and you do not get the full hour, you may receive a broken meal penalty depending on the agreement covering your production.

Under the Pact/FAA agreement, if you are working a continuous day or night, there are no meal breaks, but you will still be given an opportunity to eat. You will just receive a shorter break or will be given food-in-hand on set. 

If your call is early, breakfast is usually provided. Breakfast is not a relaxed affair as you must be readied for the day and the schedule is usually tight. Please listen to instructions and be willing to leave your scrambled eggs if you’re required in hair and makeup! 

Always dispose of your plates and cutlery accordingly and clean up after yourself. It will be much appreciated.

See here for more information on meal allowances and penalties.

Do we get bathroom breaks?

Scenes can take quite a while to set up and shoot and there will be opportunities for you to go to the bathroom. Please check in with the assistant director responsible for you before going to the loo. They will be able to tell you whether you have time or whether you need to wait because a take is about to happen

What should I do if I don’t know what I’m meant to be doing?

It’s very important that you pay attention to any instructions and only ask the assistant directors questions if absolutely necessary, as they are very busy. Ask a fellow supporting artist and see if they can answer your question before troubling the production team. 

If you are told conflicting information by production, always go with the last instructions you were given and try to remember the name or description of the person who gave you the instructions in case you are asked.

I’m not happy with the way I’ve been treated on set, what should I do?

If you are unhappy or uncomfortable about anything that has happened to you on set, please notify the agent or agency who booked you as soon as possible. They may be able to explain the situation and, if not, they should follow up with production (as the hirer) about the issue.

What should I do if I have an accident on set?

Report the accident to the assistant director responsible for you immediately. An accident report should be completed and signed by production (you may be asked to sign it too). As the hirer, the production is responsible for the relevant documentation and procedural follow-up. However, you should also notify the agent or agency who booked as soon as possible.

What should I do if I have to leave set early due to illness?

Make sure the assistant director is aware and that your wrap-out time is captured for payment purposes. You should also let the agent or agency who booked you know within 24 hours.

What should I do if my property is damaged on set?

Please report the incident to the assistant director responsible for you immediately. Ideally, you should get something in writing confirming what happened and signed by an assistant director. You should also notify the agent or agency who booked you as soon as possible. 

What should I do if I have another problem while on set? 

Although shoots are not necessarily the most comfortable, there are guidelines on how supporting artists should be treated. Examples of where these guidelines may be breached include an extra-long shoot with no, or inadequate, food or drink. If you feel there is an issue, query it politely with an assistant director and if it’s not resolved, notify the agent or agency who booked you.

I’m tired and I’m not enjoying the shoot, what should I do? 

Shoot days and nights can be long. It is very important that you maintain a positive mental attitude and be professional.

I signed an NDA, what is this? 

An NDA (or non-disclosure agreement) is an agreement confirming that you will not disclose any information about the shoot that you are on and setting out the legal consequences of breaking the agreement. These are often comprehensive and extend to what you post on social media, so please be mindful of the terms of the agreement and take the commitment you are making seriously. This is normal and a necessary part of being involved in the media world, and your agent will usually have reviewed the document before the shoot. However, if you have any questions about the content of the NDA, feel free to contact your agent and check with them before signing. You should not accept any job as a supporting artist if you are not willing to maintain the confidentiality of the project. 

In summary, do not mention any projects you are working on, or are booked to work on, on Facebook, X, Instagram or anywhere else online. Supporting artists should not list themselves as cast members on IMDB.

When/where should I meet the transport to the shoot?

Productions often lay on transport to get people to set if there is a very early call and the shoot is at a studio or a hard-to-reach location. All the information for the pick-up will be in the confirmation and check-in email that you will receive from your agent or agency before the shoot. Make sure you respond to check-ins as soon as possible. Pick-up points will usually be central and easy to get to by bus or taxi – for example, Charing Cross or King’s Cross Station. You will still have to get yourself to the pick-up point, so be sure to plan your journey well in advance and arrive at least 15 minutes before the transport is due to depart to give you time to find the pick-up point. Your pick-up time will be earlier than your call time, so make sure you read the check-in information thoroughly.


When will I get paid for the work I have done? 

Please check the Diary on your profile for up-to-date information on the status of any payments due.

When you get paid is mainly determined by how quickly the production’s accounts team sends your payment to us. We aim to pay all artists within four weeks of the shoot, but please allow eight weeks before contacting us to check on the status of a specific job so that we can focus on collecting payments for you and other artists as quickly as possible.  

Please make sure that the bank details on your profile are correct, as otherwise we will not be able to successfully process payments to you. 

Our Back Office team has credit control processes in place, but occasionally there may be a delay in a production company making payments to us. In those cases, payments can take longer than eight weeks to reach you. We will keep you informed of any delays or issues as soon as we become aware of them. We will also do everything in our power to chase production companies for your money, but we cannot make payment to you until cleared funds have been received from the production company. Neither Entertainment Partners nor the agent or agency receive any fees until funds have been collected from the production company and paid to you, so all parties involved are strongly motivated to receive and process your payments as quickly as possible.

How do payments work?

Following your day on set, the production company will usually input the details of your day’s work directly into the Casting Portal. When they input the call and wrap times, the platform will automatically calculate overtime and any early call applicable. Production will also add any travel allowances, supplementary fees or broken meal payments as applicable. Once all the details have been finalised, the production will submit the day for artist review. 

You will then receive a notification that the artist review window is open, at which point you should view the figures and either accept them if they are correct or raise a query if you spot anything amiss. If you do not respond to the job review within the 24-hour window, it will be deemed accepted. 

If any queries are raised within the artist review period, these will be passed on to the production. Once production respond to confirm whether any additional payment is applicable, your artist review will be updated and you will be notified via email. 

Once the artist review stage is complete and all queries have been resolved, the production will be invoiced for the earnings of all artists who worked on the engagement via the agent. These invoices will either be raised for each individual day or in weekly blocks. 

Our Back Office team will track invoices raised against the agreed payment timescales, help production accounts to resolve any queries, and chase any late or delayed invoices. 

The production company will settle the invoice, including your payment, into our client account (a designated trust account used only for artist monies). 

On a weekly basis, we process a batch payment, paying out all cleared funds in the client account; if any invoices covering your work have been received into our client account in the previous week, you will receive a payment for the net amount due (after any applicable commission, admin fee and VAT deductions) on the day after the batch payment is processed. Batch payments are usually processed on a Monday, with payment clearing by close of business on the Tuesday. 

We aim to complete this process within four weeks for all projects, but as several factors are outside our control (like the time it takes production to resolve queries or the time it takes production accounts teams to pay invoices), we ask artists to allow eight weeks for payments to arrive. If there is a delay beyond that, our Back Office team will keep you informed.

What are the current Pact/FAA rates? 

The Pact/FAA agreement is the union rates agreement that governs the payment of supporting artists on productions taking place within 40 miles of Charing Cross. As such, the rates set out in this agreement apply to most productions shooting in London and the surrounding area. This agreement was negotiated between the FAA (the supporting artist branch of the union Bectu) and Pact (an industry body representing film and TV producers). See here for a breakdown of the current Pact/FAA rates.

When don’t the Pact/FAA rates apply?

The Pact/FAA rates should be used by productions shooting within 40 miles of Charing Cross; any productions beyond this area should use the Pact/Equity rates instead (see here for a breakdown of the Pact/Equity rates). However, BBC productions can use the separate BBC/Equity rates. Commercials and music videos tend to pay a flat rate buyout so it is rare for them to use the Pact/FAA or Pact/Equity rates.

The rates applicable to your project will be clearly outlined in the availability enquiry; if the rates shown for a film or TV production are not the Pact/FAA, Pact/Equity or BBC/Equity rates, or you have any questions about the rates, we recommend raising them with the relevant agent or agency.

What do the Pact/FAA abbreviations stand for? 

The Pact/FAA rate card includes a number of payments which are abbreviated on the Casting Portal:

  • HC = holiday credit
  • BM = broken meal
  • MA = meal allowance
  • SF = supplementary fees
  • OT = overtime
  • EC = early call

Please see our breakdown of the current Pact/FAA rates for further information about these payments.

What fees will I be charged? 

There are no up front, annual or other fixed fees of any kind to become or remain a supporting artist with Entertainment Partners. 

Agent fees

When you are successfully placed in work by one of the agents using the Casting Portal, the agent’s commission fee and Entertainment Partners’ admin fee will be deducted from your gross earnings. The availability enquiry for an engagement will specify the rate of agent's commission and Entertainment Partners’ admin fee, along with all other relevant details such as your rate of pay, so that you can make an informed decision before accepting.

The agent's commission will vary between 5% and 15% of your earnings (plus VAT for agents who are VAT registered), depending on the engagement. Entertainment Partners' admin fee is 10% of your earnings plus VAT.

Agency fees

When you are successfully placed in work by one of the agencies using the Casting Portal, you will only pay commission to the agency. Entertainment Partners will not charge an admin fee. The availability enquiry for an engagement will specify the rate of the agency's commission, along with all other relevant details such as your rate of pay, so that you can make an informed decision before accepting.

How am I taxed as a supporting artist? 

When you work as a supporting artist, you are self-employed for tax and National Insurance purposes and it is your responsibility to register with HMRC and declare your earnings correctly. You should be able to deduct any commission, administration fee and VAT charges as business expenses when arriving at your net earnings that you will be subject to pay income tax and National Insurance contributions on. Please take professional advice on your personal tax situation as we cannot offer any tax advice.

Why have you deducted VAT from my net payment?

VAT is applicable whenever a VAT-registered vendor invoices for a product or service. As Entertainment Partners is a VAT-registered company, when we charge an admin fee, we must also charge for the VAT due to HMRC on this. Likewise, for those agents and agencies who are VAT registered, there is a legal requirement for them to charge VAT on any commission transaction. Any VAT applicable on either commission or admin fees will be stated clearly in the availability enquiry and any check-in notifications sent.

I missed a job review deadline. Will I still get paid?

After the deadline for a job review has passed, our Back Office team will proceed with invoicing your work as the review is deemed to be accepted. Please rest assured that we will still invoice for your work, even if you are not able to access the job review and approve it before the deadline. Once the invoice has been raised, you will be able to see the final amount that has been invoiced for in the Diary on your profile.

Why is one of my days missing from the job review?

You may be sent job reviews for only some of the days you have worked on a particular project at a time. This is likely because we haven’t yet received the relevant details for the other days of work. In some cases, this might mean that you receive a later date before an earlier date.

All the dates you have worked are recorded in the Diary on your profile. If there are any dates that you have worked which are not showing in your Diary (with any status), please email us at ukartistsupport@ep.com so that we can investigate this for you.

What happens if the production is using paper chits?

Paper chits were once common for supporting artists – that was before the Casting Portal came along to make the whole process easier, more secure, and paperless! However, some productions still use paper chits to record the payments due to supporting artists for their work instead of inputting details directly into the Casting Portal. 

If you have been issued with a paper chit, the production should send these to us to input the details into the Casting Portal. This process may take longer than if production input the information directly, so if you have been issued a paper chit, please allow a week or so for the artist review to be opened. Once the artist review has been sent to you, the normal payment process will apply.

How do I sign an agreement via DocuSign?

Entertainment Partners have partnered with DocuSign so that agents and agencies can offer electronic contracting to productions. 

As such, you may receive an email asking you to sign your artist release form (NDA) electronically via DocuSign before going on set.

To review and sign the contract, click Review the document at the top of the email. You will then be taken to an online portal where you can accept the agreement via your Contracts page. 

Click the Start tab on the left-hand side to work your way through the document. The first Initials box will require you to draw your signature or adopt the signature or initials created automatically. 

Click the Next tab on the left-hand side to move on. When you’re done, click Finish.

If you have any problems completing your digital contract please email ukartistsupport@ep.com. 

Do agents using the Casting Portal have access to my bank details?

Neither agents, agencies nor Entertainment Partners have access to your bank details. The bank details you provide on your profile are used only when payments are processed to you, at which point they are automatically encrypted into a bank file which is used to generate the weekly batch payment.

How can I see all my earnings from work done through the Casting Portal? 

A full record of all engagements you have worked on via the Casting Portal is available on the Diary page of your profile. From here, you can view and download a remittance for all payments made that provides details of the gross fee due and any deductions. Your remittance will also include all the company details of the hirer you worked with.

General enquiries

Can I make a living as a supporting artist? 

We advise artists that they should not rely on being a supporting artist for their sole income. Most supporting artists have another source of income.

Can I work as a supporting artist on weekends only?

There is some weekend work for supporting artists and you can let agents and agencies know that you’re only available on weekends via the Calendar on your profile. However, this will limit the number of job offers you can accept as filming generally occurs on weekdays.

How can I increase my chances of getting work? 

The best way to increase your chances of getting work is to make sure your profile is as complete and up to date as possible. Agents and agencies search for artists via the criteria they provide on their profile, so the more information you provide, the more likely you are to match a brief they’re working on. If you don’t keep your profile up to date and provide all relevant information, you could be missing out on potential work. See our Guide to Being a Supporting Artist for further information on how to best build out your profile.

At a minimum, please ensure your Main and Face photos are updated regularly and follow the below guidelines:

MAIN PHOTO: This should be a full body or three-quarter length colour photo of you in a neutral pose, in neutral clothing, against a neutral block colour background. This does not need to be of professional quality, but it should not be a selfie. Do not wear hats, sunglasses or obstructive accessories, include props or use filters. 

FACE PHOTO: This should be a forward-facing colour photo of you taken from the shoulders up against a neutral background. This does not need to be of professional quality. You should have a neutral expression and minimal makeup and avoid wearing hats, sunglasses or other obstructive accessories or using filters. 

Please also make sure you update your measurements if these have changed.

How can I let you know that I’m available for work?

If you’re available for work, there is no need to contact us or agents or agencies directly. The best way to inform bookers of your availability is to keep the Calendar on your profile up to date by clicking on the days and changing them to Available or Unavailable. You can also update a range of days, setting your availability by weekday. It’s advisable to keep your calendar accurate and up to date as agents and agencies often search for people who are available as a priority.

I haven’t had much work recently, how come?

This is a seasonal business which is highly dependent on production schedules set across the year. Agents and agencies using the Casting Portal have no control over the briefs coming in, nor do they have the final say in who is selected. The nature of the business is such that you will be rejected with no explanation. If this is a problem, you may decide this work is not for you. Please don't contact us to let us know that you are available for work – instead, update the Calendar on your profile so that this information is visible to agents.

Do agents and agencies using the Casting Portal cast for featured or acting roles? 

The Casting Portal is mainly used to find supporting artists but the agents using our platform are occasionally asked to provide featured roles for their projects. As we grow, new agents and agencies may join our platform who are casting more featured roles which will increase the variety of work on offer.

I responded to an availability enquiry – why haven’t I heard back? 

If you respond to an availability enquiry correctly via the link and before the cut-off time, you will receive an automatic confirmation email to let you know we’ve received your response. If you don’t receive the confirmation, it means that your response was not registered, you tried to respond after the cut-off time, or the enquiry has since been deleted by the casting agent. 

If you don’t respond, you normally won’t be contacted again regarding this job. Agents and agencies generally only contact artists who have responded as available. 

If you respond as available, the relevant casting agent will either confirm or release you as soon as they hear back from production. If you’re waiting to hear back on the status of a job, please be patient; this can often come as late as the evening before the shoot day. If you have a query about your confirmation or release, you will need to contact the relevant agent or agency directly. Please note, responding to an availability enquiry is not a guarantee that you'll be booked on the job.

My availability enquiry has timed out – what can I do? 

All agents and agencies using the Casting Portal will try to give artists as much time as possible to respond to availability enquiries. However, due to the nature of the industry, the turnaround time is sometimes very short. Tight cut-offs are set only if production requires the available options without delay. If you miss the cut-off time and can’t respond, the options have likely already been sent to production. If a tight cut-off time has been set, the agent or agency will contact you via text and email, so it’s a good idea to check your emails and phone regularly so that you don’t miss work opportunities. We appreciate that tight turnarounds mean it’s not always possible to respond even if you’re available . This will have no bearing on your standing on the platform. 

How do I get in touch with the agents or agencies who use the Casting Portal?

If you have a query about a particular project or job you are penciled or booked for, please contact the relevant agent or agency via the contact details included in the availability enquiry they sent you. Alternatively, see here for a list of the agents and agencies powered by the Casting Portal.

What should I do if I no longer want to be contacted by one of the agents or agencies using the Casting Portal?

If you no longer wish to be contacted by a particular agent or agency using the Casting Portal, but do not wish to deactivate your profile, please contact ukartistsupport@ep.com with the subject line EXCLUDE ME and your name, profile ID and which agent or agency you no longer wish to be contacted by. We will hide your profile from that agent or agency so that you no longer appear in their searches. This will not affect you being offered work by any of the other agents or agencies using the Casting Portal. 

I want to take a break from being a supporting artist. How do I deactivate my profile?

To deactivate your Casting Portal profile, please log in and go to the Profile tab at the top of the page. Select the Manage tab, tick the box next to the corresponding profile, then select Deactivate. You can return and reactivate your profile using the Activate button at any time.

I no longer wish to be a supporting artist. How do I permanently delete my profile?

If you would like us to permanently delete your profile and your information, rather than deactivating your profile, please email ukartistsupport@ep.com to let us know, quoting your profile ID.  Please note that as a business, we are legally required to keep financial transaction records. In the event that you’ve completed any paid work through the Casting Portal, we'll need to keep records of any messages you've received from agents and agencies relating to this, as well as any associated remittance information, for seven years in line with the UK General Data Protection Regulation.

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